August 23, 2022, Edition

Time to Speak Out and Take Action Against Evil! Jesus Did.

- Steven Hotze, M.D.

(The concept for this article was derived from Eric Metaxas’ powerful sermon at Second Baptist Church, Houston, on August 21, 2022.)

Christians must proclaim the truth!

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.” - Dietrich Boenhoffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor during the the Nazi’s control of Germany, 1933-1945. He was a founding member of the Confessing Church. He challenged Lutheran pastors to advance Biblical truth in the face of the evils of Nazism and to proclaim to Christians their responsibility to challenge this evil in the political system. His book, The Cost of Discipleship,is a must read Christian classic. Bonhoeffer was a leader in opposing Hitler’s and the Nazis’ euthanasia program and persecution of the Jews. Hitler had him executed by hanging in 1945.

The German church was no different than the American church is today. Few German pastors were willing to resist the Nazis for fear that they would be targeted for persecution. They decided to go along to get along. They were held accountable before God for their cowardice. So shall each one of us be held accountable before God if we fail to stand for His truth.


The Battle for Freedom Never Ends

David Lane, American Renewal Project

Winston Churchill rallied Great Britain to oppose and defeat the Nazis in World War II, proclaiming in the fight for freedom, “Never give up! Never! Never! Never!

We must follow in his train.

In the months of May and June, 1940, a rare opportunity for world-saving decisions presented itself when an unusual set of circumstances arose: France was about to surrender to the Germans, the British Expeditionary Force was in retreat to Dunkirk, the British war cabinet was on the brink of suing for peace with German Führer Adolf Hitler, while members of the royal family and Parliament were making the case for surrender.

Between May 26 and June 4, 1940, 338,000 British Expeditionary Force troops and allies evacuated from the French seaport of Dunkirk [Dunkerque] to England. The escape granted British Prime Minister Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill [1874-1965] the opportunity to speak in the House of Commons to the British people on June 4th. The speech was Churchill at his finest, as he brusquely declared the Dunkirk evacuation to have been “a colossal military disaster.”


Will Physicians EVER Speak Out?

- Steve Kirsch

Or will they continue to shrug their shoulders and refuse to look at the data showing that these vaccines are the biggest scandal in medical history?


The Shot: Discussion between Fauci and Pelosi

“We Have a Corrupt Medical System in This Country”

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson


The Covid Pandemic Was Planned by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. It Was Designed to Usher in the New World Order.

Read the Transcript

“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”

Sign the Christian Patriot Declaration

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How Hormone Decline Can Affect Brain Health

We want to shed some light on a common cause of brain health issues that often goes unrecognized: hormonal decline. When you think about brain health, you probably aren’t thinking about your hormones. Those are more about hot flashes, night sweats, PMS, and low libido, right? Actually, hormones have a profound effect on brain health.


If you are interested in developing a personal relationship with God, then read the Four Spiritual Laws and learn how you can.

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