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Solving Your Addiction with The Freedom Model

It looks like summer is finally here in most of the country, and now is a great time to break out of a rut and make a change to your substance use habits.

Spring is a time for new beginnings, and with the increased hours of sunshine, flowers and trees in bloom, and warmer temperatures, many people experience a natural boost to their moods. Why not take this natural boost and use it to make the change you’ve been wanting to make?

Contrary to what you may have been told by well-meaning family and friends, or counselors or even treatment providers, you are not stuck drinking or using drugs in the same way you’ve always used them.

You are not powerless, sick, broken, or diseased; you have simply developed a strong preference and habit both of which you have the power and ability to change.

In this short video, Freedom Model co-developer Mark Scheeren provides some insight on solving addiction:

The Freedom Model for Addictions is an effective alternative to addiction treatment, and is the result of over 31 years of research and experience helping thousands of people to stop their addictions and move on with their lives.

For more information and a free private consultation with a certified Freedom Model instructor, call 888-424-2626.


Danny Wike

Director of Private Instruction

Call 888-424-2626 to talk with us.

The Freedom Model Team

Number: 1.888.424.2626

Escape The Treatment Trap Now
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