May 21st 2021 Edition

Texas Victory for Trump (Video)

Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commissioner

Right for Trump

Right for Texas

Sid Miller for Governor

- By Steven Hotze, M.D.

Abbott’s unconstitutional actions have demonstrated his unworthiness to serve as the Governor of Texas. Over his career, Sid Miller, Texas Agricultural Commissioner, has proven the courage of his convictions, time and time again. Sid Miller would make a tremendous Governor of Texas.

The coronavirus Covid-19 “plandemic” is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated upon the American public. It is a political “plandemic,” not a medical one. Sadly, Governor Abbott and Lt. Governor Patrick swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker, and led millions of Texans astray.

Government health bureaucrats, using faulty data and disease projection models, have intentionally created irrational fear and mass hysteria. This fear was fed by the fake news media and by politicians, like Abbott and Patrick, who have acted like tin-pot dictators. This manufactured crisis is all about power, control and money.

Once you get the majority of people to operate on the basis of fear, they will gladly exchange their constitutional liberties for the delusion of safety offered to them by the politicians and civil government officials. They end up with neither. The politicians and civil government become all powerful, take control and dictate the actions of the masses.

The purpose of civil government is not to protect your health. The purpose of civil government is to protect your rights. You are in charge of protecting your own health.

My opposition to this manufactured health crisis is based upon my own research of the facts and the scientific evidence from experts. As a Christian patriot, a free enterprise conservative and a medical doctor who promotes natural approaches to healing, I can’t stand idly by while the lives of millions of Texans, our economy and our God-given, unalienable constitutional rights are being destroyed.

On March 30, 2020, Gov. Abbott, with the support of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, closed tens of thousands of businesses and church services in Texas. Although they eventually “allowed” them to open slowly, Abbott and Patrick have cost nearly 2 million lost jobs in Texas—and many will never return. Hundreds of thousands of businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy or have already gone bankrupt.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, in April 2020, Governor Abbott decided that he wanted you to be monitored and tracked. Abbott gave the go ahead for the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to sign a $295 million, 27 month contract, with MTX Group in April of 2020 to establish a surveillance and contact tracing program for the ostensible reason of controlling the COVID-19 infections. MTX Group has a staff of 4000 employees in Texas, consisting of epidemiologists, case investigators and contact tracers.

MTX Group is a New York company based in Albany. It is managing contact tracing in New York. This contract is being paid for with funds from the federal government. Federal dollars mean federal control. It’s the golden rule. He who has the gold rules. Abbott agreed to this contract with MTX Group without consulting the Texas Legislature. Abbott said that he and the DSHS have the authority to institute this program without approval of the Texas Legislature.

Abbott with Patrick’s support violated our constitutional rights by initially shutting down many businesses and church services. Article 1 Section 28 of the Bill of Rights of the Texas Constitution states,No power of suspending laws in this state shall be exercised except by the Legislature.” Abbott had no authority to close your business or church. As a former Texas Attorney General and member of the Texas Supreme Court, Abbott knew that he was violating the Texas Constitution.

A lawsuit, Hotze et. al. v. Abbott, with over 1,500 plaintiffs joining me, has been filed against Governor Abbott’s unconstitutional executive orders and is pending in Federal District Court in Houston, Texas.

Abbott’s unconstitutional executive orders, issued with the support of Lt. Gov. Patrick, including his Orwellian plan to surveil, monitor, test and contact trace all Texans, just like the Communist Chinese do their citizens, are reprehensible and make him unworthy to serve as Governor of Texas.

Lt. Governor Patrick led the Texas Senate to require COVID-19 testing for any citizen who wanted to attend a Senate Committee hearing, or enter the Senate gallery. This clearly violated the Texas Constitution which requires the legislature to be open to the citizens of the State without restrictions. No medical procedure can be required before a citizen can avail himself of this Constitutional right.

No Republican Legislators challenged the unconstitutional actions of Abbott and Patrick. The only statewide official to oppose their unconstitutional actions was Sid Miller, Texas Agricultural Commissioner. He has demonstrated the courage of his convictions.

Sid Miller would make a tremendous Governor of Texas.

Abbott and the rest of the RINO Texas legislators, and Democrats Consider Texas Patriots to be Deplorables and Dogs.

Well, Abbott, the Patriots are coming after you and all the RINOs in Texas to take back the Republican Party.

Who let them out?

Dr. Hotze let them out and they will be hot on all of your trails. (Video)

Mostly Republican Ballots Fail to Scan in Pennsylvania County Election, Stoking Concerns

A number of ballots couldn’t be scanned during local elections this week in a southwestern county in Pennsylvania, triggering fresh concerns about election integrity. (Read More)

California County’s Order Requires Businesses to Track COVID-19 Vaccination Status of All Employees.

Health authorities in Santa Clara County, said that businesses are now required to determine the vaccination status of employees.

(Read More)

Texas hospital fires worker for not getting COVID-19 vaccine. (Video)

Mandating Experimental Gene Modification Injections Violates the Nuremberg Code.

Background to the new Nuremberg Trials 2021:

A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death – as fraud. (Read More)

Are We Being Set Up For Mass Depopulation?

- Drs. Mercola and Yeadon (Video)

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What Happened to the Flu?

Mysterious Disappearance Of Flu In San Diego Prompted Call For Audit Of COVID Records. (Read More)

MAGIC: Seasonal Flu Doesn’t Exist Anymore, Only COVID-19 (Read More)

UK Health Authorities: Not A Single Case Of Flu Detected This Year — The Flu Has VANISHED From Earth. (Read More)

Dr. Christiane Northrup Gives New Details on COVID Vaccine Shedding/Transmission, Especially Among Women (Video)

Covid Vaccine Shedding Hurting Unvaxed? Dr. Lee Merritt Explains! (Video)

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny- “More Correctly, It's Not 'Shedding'; It's Transmission! (Video)

The Many Health Benefits of Vitamin D (Video)

- By Steven Hotze, MD

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