May 8th, 2021 Edition

Tucker Carlson interviews Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Sid Miller, to discuss human gender reassignment treatments.

Sid Miller would make a terrific Governor of Texas. (Video)

Republicans Need to Protect Children and Girls from the Perverted Transgender Movement.

-Steve Hotze, M.D.

Republican legislators will be held accountable if they fail to protect children and women from the perverted transgender movement during this session.

SB 1646, by Sen. Perry,, would prevent the sexualization of children by their perverted parents and perverted doctors, who are pushing them into transgenderism. It bans sex change drugs and hormones, and sex mutilation surgery in children. The Texas House Public Health Committee needs to pass SB 1646 out of committee no later than this Tuesday for it to pass during this session, which ends May 31st.

Call the Republican members of the House Public Health Committee and tell them to protect children and pass SB 1646..

Public Health Committee Republican Members:

Chairman Rep. Klick, Stephanie: District 91 - (512) 463-0599

Rep. Allison, Steve: District 121 - 512.463.0686

Rep. Jetton, Jacey: District 26 - 512.463.0710

Rep. Oliverson, Tom: District 130 - 512.463.0661

Rep. Price, Four: District 87 - 512.463.0470

Rep. Smith, Reggie: District 62 - 512.463.029

Also call:

Speaker Dade Phelan - (512) 463-1000

Gov. Greg Abbott - (512) 463-2000

SB 29 would ban boys from competing as girls in interscholastic athletic competition,

This bill is currently in the House Public Education Committee. SB 29 must pass out of this committee no later than Tuesday for it to pass during this session, which ends May 31st.

Call the Republican members of the House Public Health Committee and tell them to protect girls and pass SB 29.

Public Education Committee Republican Members:

Rep. Lozano, J. M. District 43

Rep. Allison, Steve: District 121 - 512.463.0686

Rep. Bell, Keith: District 4 - (512) 463-0458

Rep. Buckley, Brad: District 54 - (512) 463-0684

Rep. Huberty, Dan: District 127 - 512.463.0520

Rep. King, Ken: District 88 - 512.463.0736

Rep. VanDeaver, Gary: District 1 - 512.463.0692

Also call:

Speaker Dade Phelan - (512) 463-1000

Gov. Greg Abbott - (512) 463-2000

Both these bills have passed the Texas Senate, but are being neglected in the Texas House by the House Republican leadership, Speaker Dade Phelan, and Governor Abbott. These politicians are caving into corporations who are supporting and promoting the homoglobal and transgender sex movements. These politicians are beholden to these corporate interests who fund their campaigns and line their pockets.

Call these politicians’ offices and tell them or their staff that you expect them to pass these bills that protect children and girls. Start calling today and leave messages. Then call again on Monday and Tuesday.

Forward this legislative update to fellow conservatives.

Thanking you for standing to protect children and girls, I remain, as always,

Sincerely yours,

Steve Hotze, M.D.


Conservative Republicans of Texas

The Homosexual Manifesto (Read More)

Disney Employees Undergo Critical Race Theory Training (Read More)

Medical News
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20 Mechanisms of Injury (MOI) Caused by Experimental COVID-19 Genetically Engineered Injection, Ebook by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (Read More)

Meet your automated, totalitarian medical police state future: Johns Hopkins demands AI robots and drones enforce covid vaccine war against humanity (Read More)

The Experimental COVID Genetically Engineered Injection is Bioweapon

- Steven Hotze, M.D.

The so-called COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine at all. It is an experimental genetically engineered injection. The injection contains laboratory synthesized genetically modified material, mRNA, that hijacks your cells, causing them to produce the coronavirus spike protein. Your body literally becomes a manufacturer of viral spike protein. Why would you want your body to do this? It’s sheer insanity.

The spike protein is the dangerous part of the coronavirus. This will inevitably lead to hyper stimulation of your immune system and leave you more susceptible to a COVID-19 viral infection.

Bill Gates is a major force in promoting that everyone in the world receive this experimental COVID injection. His foundation has made huge investments in vaccine development. Gates also supports depopulation of the world. Check out Gates’ comments online on YouTube.

Over half the people in the U.S. have lined up to receive this experimental COVID-19 injection. It has already caused nearly 12 million severe adverse reactions in the U.S. and thousands upon thousands of deaths in the first 4-1/2 months. These sheeple are the low hanging fruit for the One Worlders who are planning for The Great Reset. (Read More)

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