Dear Fellow Conservative Republicans, You may not be aware that you can vote twice in the Republican Party Primary. You have either already voted early or will be voting Tuesday, March 1. This is your first vote. You can also vote again at your Precinct Convention which will be held at your neighborhood precinct voting location. This year, the date of your Precinct Convention will depend on the county you live in. A list of major counties and their precinct convention dates follows this letter. Please be sure to check with your local precinct chairman or your county Republican party to confirm the date, time and location of your precinct convention. RINOs, Republicans in Name Only, in the Republican Party of Texas (RPT), are determined to remove the pro-life, pro-Biblical marriage, pro-religious liberty, pro-school choice, opposition to the homosexual political agenda, opposition to sanctuary cities and other social conservative planks from the Republican Party of Texas party platform at the State Convention this June. You can prevent this by attending your precinct convention at your voting location at your neighborhood precinct voting location. We must stand for a biblically based Christian World View in civil government and keep the Republican Party of Texas conservative! The Precinct Convention is not well-known, but is like a town hall meeting made up Republicans who have voted in the Republican Primary and live in your precinct. Anyone who votes in the Republican primary election, either in early voting, voting by mail, or at the polls on election day, is eligible to attend his or her precinct convention. The time and place of your precinct convention must be posted at each poll during primary election day. Expect anywhere from 1 to 50 participants to attend. The precinct convention is called to order by the Precinct Chairman or a person acting in his stead. This person is the Temporary Precinct Convention Chairman. A Permanent Precinct Convention Chairman and Secretary are then elected by majority vote. The Convention Chairman may appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms and/or a Parliamentarian. KEEP READING HERE: CRTPAC |