The Covid plandemic was developed to create fear, panic and mass hysteria among the population, leading to compliance and submission to unhealthy and unconstitutional executive orders. This has now culminated in Biden’s unconstitutional mandate that requires Americans to be coerced and forced to take the deadly experimental gene modifying injections in order to hold a job, travel, enter restaurants or stores, and attend schools. This is in violation of the 1947 Nuremberg Code which requires informed consent before a medical procedure is performed. The so-called “vaccine” passport is being rolled out. Christian Patriots must boldly and courageously resist this now, or else this passport will ultimately be applied to every aspect of life including church attendance. Fauci, the health bureaucrats, the CDC, the NIH, the FDA, the politicians and other government officials have lied to us and orchestrated this attack on our liberties. They will ultimately be prosecuted and punished for their crimes. None of their recommendations should ever be followed. (READ MORE) |