February 01, 2021 Edition

Army Investigating Chaplain, Major Andrew Calvert after He Criticized Biden’s Transgender Policy

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Biden’s Executive Order Promoting Transgenderism


Thoughts on Freedom and Liberty
Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

The Bible clearly teaches that “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). This means that everyone has chosen to violate God’s standards, as written in the Scriptures, and is enslaved to sin and under God’s righteous judgement. God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us from the penalty of our sins and to give new life to anyone who would accept Him.

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:2)


Facial Recognition Used By Feds To Harass Trump Supporter who Attended “Stop the Steal Rally” in DC on January 6; Screened and Interrogated 3 Different Airplane Trips by TSA [Read More]

Response to Washington Post Article on FBI Probe of U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 Incidence, More Systemic Psychological Manipulation by the Main Stream Media.
[Read More]

Ted Cruz Calls Trump’s Comments “Reckless and Irresponsible” about Stolen Election. Cruz knows that no court has been willing to evaluate the evidence about voter fraud and decide the case on the merits. Cruz’ comments are the ones that are reckless and irresponsible. Despite Cruz’ pathetic performance at the 2016 Republican National Convention, refusing to endorse Trump, President Trump came to Texas In 2018 to endorse Cruz for re-election to the Senate. Cruz again shows his true colors in demeaning Trump. [Read More]

TEXIT: A Time for Texas Independence? Introducing the Texas National Movement [Read More]

MyPillow Boycott Backfire, Sales Set New Records [Read More]

Medical News
Sponsored by the Hotze Health & Wellness Center

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The Catastrophic Impact of Covid Forced Societal Lockdowns [Read More]

WTF Canada? Two Canadian Citizens Were Taken from the Airport to an ‘Undisclosed’ Federal Quarantine Facility. Will the U.S. Follow Along? [Read More]

Examining Risks and Benefits of Covid Vaccine [Read More]

Bio-warfare and the Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid - Dr. Lee Merritt [Read More]

Do You Have Hypothyroidism? [Read More]


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