April 9th, 2021 Edition
Republican Election Bills All Hat No Cattle
-Steven Hotze, M.D.
Contact Your Texas Legislatures and Tell Them To Support H.B. 3080
Biometric Voting Technology Explained [Read More]
Adopt Biometric Voter Registration to Stop Vote Fraud [Read More]
Christian Author Blasts Cops Who Enforce COVID ‘Mandates’ [Read More]
A War Is Being Waged Against Conservative Americans [Read More]
Medical News Sponsored by the Hotze Health & Wellness Center https://www.hotzehwc.com (281) 698-8698
Former Pfizer VP, Dr. Michael Yeadon, warns “It’s entirely possible this COVID ‘vaccine’ will be used for massive-scale depopulation” [Read More]
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: COVID Was Created To Scare World To Take Injection That Will Kill Them [Read More]
Benefits of Vitamin D for Boosting the Immune System and Preventing Viral Infections [Read More]
Vaccination Passports: The Cornerstone of a Totalitarian State; Ushering China’s Social Credit System into America. [Read More]
Anxiety Relief with Bioidentical Progesterone [Read More]
If you are interested in developing a personal relationship with God, then read the Four Spiritual Laws and learn how you can. http://www.4laws.com/laws/englishkgp/default.htm