October 30, 2021, Edition

Conservatives must take back our School Boards. Get out and vote!

Dr. Hotze and Conservative Republicans of Texas’ Recommendations for Texas Propositions in Tuesday, November 2 Election

These are the recommendations of Dr. Hotze and Conservative Republicans of Texas on the Constitutional Amendments on the general election ballot. Please distribute this widely to your family and friends. Election day is Tuesday, November 2.

Proposition 1 - If you support more raffles, vote Yes, if not, No

This amendment would authorize professional sports team charitable organizations to conduct raffles at rodeo venues.

Proposition 2 - Vote: No

The amendment would authorize a county to issue bonds to fund infrastructure and transportation projects in undeveloped and blighted areas. It would prohibit counties that issue bonds for such purposes from pledging more than 65% of the increase in ad valorem tax revenues to repay the bonds.

Proposition 3 - Vote: Yes

It would amend Article 1 of the Texas Constitution to prohibit the state or any political subdivision from enacting a law, rule, order, or proclamation that limits religious services or organizations.

Proposition 4 - Vote: Yes

This would change the eligibility requirements for a justice of the supreme court, a judge of the court of criminal appeals, a justice of a court of appeals, and a district judge. New requirements would include:

*Candidates should be residents of Texas as well as citizens of the State;

*Candidates should have 10 years of experience in Texas as a practicing lawyer or judge of a state or county court for candidates of the Supreme Court, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, or a Court of Appeals;

*Candidates should have 8 years of experience in Texas as a practicing lawyer or judge of a state or county court for candidates of a district court;

*It would disqualify candidates if their license to practice law was revoked or suspended during experience requirement; and

*These requirements would be applied to individuals elected or appointed to a term beginning after January 1, 2025.

Proposition 5 - Vote: Yes

It authorizes the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct to accept and investigate complaints and reports against candidates running for state judicial office.

Proposition 6 - Vote: Yes

This allows residents of nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, or state-supported living centers to designate an essential caregiver that may not be prohibited from visiting the resident, even during a pandemic.

Proposition 7 - Vote: Yes

This would amend the Texas Constitution to allow the legislature to extend a homestead tax limit for surviving spouses of disabled individuals as long as the spouse is over 55 years old and resides at the home.

Proposition 8 - Vote: Yes

This measure would amend the Texas Constitution to authorize a total residence homestead property tax exemption for a surviving spouse of a member of the armed services who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. *Credit for this analysis goes to Gary Polland, Editor of the Texas Conservative Review

If you are interested in developing a personal relationship with God, then read the Four Spiritual Laws and learn how you can.



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