September 3rd, 2021 Edition

Dr. Hotze’s Inaugural Weekly Brighteon TV Show

3 Questions to ask about the experimental Covid gene modification injection

Dr. Hotze’s program will be broadcast every Monday from 4-5 PM Central Time on www.

Conservative talk radio host Dr. Steve Hotze is now on Brighteon.TV. Over the past year, Hotze has been an influential force in campaigning against shutdown mandates in the state of Texas. In addition, he’s also been fighting against election fraud in Harris County.

Now, he brings that same fire to a new show on Brighteon.TV that airs every Monday, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.

For his debut episode on Brighteon.TV, Hotze covers how he plans to focus on health and discuss various health and medicine-related news on the show. In particular, he zeroes in on Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, specifically the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna.

Hotze says that he’ll provide his viewers all the information about “the experimental gene modification injection that the government is trying to force encourage individuals to take. ”


Support Letter to Daniel Miller from Grassroot Conservative Leaders, Encouraging Him to Run for Texas Lt. Governor

Texas stands on the verge of losing its sovereignty to the despotic central government in Washington DC. The government that exists today was not the one agreed to by the Republic of Texas when it joined the federal union in 1845. Local self-government is unquestionably and critically impaired at this time in history. The status quo must change and we need leaders who are willing to stand up for the rights of Texans against federal tyranny.

The challenges are internal too. Since March of 2020, under the tyranny of Governor Greg Abbott, Texas has endured: (READ MORE)

Should you ever trust a politician, like Dan Patrick, who doesn’t know the Texas Bill of Rights? No wonder Patrick supported Abbott and Abbott’s unconstitutional executive orders.

Liberty vs. Communism

Christians, wake up! Be bold, courageous and lionhearted.

Australia is the test run for what the godless, wicked Communists have in the works for the U.S.

Christian Patriots must be prepared to meet the Communists head on and defeat them.

“Here’s what’s happening Christians, wake up! Be bold, courageous and lionhearted.

Australia is the test run for what the godless, wicked Communists have in the works for the U.S.

Christian Patriots must be prepared to meet the Communists head on and defeat them.

Powerful: Australia Is Leading The Way Into Global Tyranny. Resist COVID1984.

“Here’s what’s happening in Australia”

“COVID crisis is the pathway to Communism in the U.S.” (Video)

The Modern Little Red Hen

As told by Ronald Reagan

WW II Russian Dictator, Joseph Stalin

Antifa Teacher on the Run, Claims He Fears For His Safety and Job After Project Veritas Blows His Cover

As I reported yesterday, the heroes at Project Veritas released an undercover video showing a proud antifa communist teacher bragging about how he has 180 days to indoctrinate his students and make them Marxists. How does he do it? He “scares the f*** out of them.”

Now the proud commie peacock is running scared. He refused to defend himself to another Project Veritas reporter. He claims he fears for his safety, and is worried about his brainwashing teaching gig, which means he KNOWS what he was doing is wrong.


Exposing the hypocrisy of the Leftists, Marxists, and Communist Democrats

In the Declaration of Independence our Founding Fathers openly declared our independence from England, based upon England’s illegal and tyrannical actions toward the American colonists. This was the final sentence written by them in the Declaration of Independence, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

The following is a pledge that Christian Patriots, who follow in the train of our Christian forefathers, should take.......


If you are interested in developing a personal relationship with God, then read the Four Spiritual Laws and learn how you can.

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