It is critical to your health that you not to accept the experimental Covid-19 “vaccination.“ As an ex-pharma person, though I was well aware that the crisis was cover for totalitarian tyranny, I assumed the risk/benefit was positive in the most vulnerable, as did Dr. Peter McCullough. As time passed and VAERS statistics on the Covid “vaccine” adverse events and death were revealed and they were shocking. We both moved to the position of implacable opposition to the experimental vaccination. Worse than the adverse events risk, is that they are being used to bring in the utterly dystopian vaccine passports database. YOU MUST RESIST THIS. It will be quite impossible to reverse once it’s up and running. No amount of protest, even civil war will undo it. Why? Because you’ll need a valid VaxPass to feed your family. So a country in which VaxPass is in force & being used even for a short time is completely lost. Aldous Huxley wrote in his prophetic book, Brave New World, that unlike the tyranny of men and politics, a scientific tyranny has no natural end. It will never end. After introduction it will be used to regulate access to all goods and services, food, money, medicine, and transport. I expect this will be used to force children and even babies to be vaccinated. Next: there is no justification for “booster vaccination,” none whatsoever. As an immunologist, I can tell you that the grounds that they give you for these so called vaccinations are lies. It’s for this reason I concluded some time ago that the overall objective of the Covid experimental “vaccine“ program is depopulation and the likely tool is the booster injections. Delayed pathology and consistent media scare stories about what variant is in the community is meant to drive people to accepting this experimental vaccine. This will provide “plausible deniability” as mentioned by Col Robert Kadlec many years ago in one of the many tabletop simulations that the US ran from 1993, culminating in Event 201. The obvious conclusion is that this is not a Chinese initiative, but a global one in which the Chinese played a role, but the main drivers have been the U.S. and the U.K., Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Be in no doubt: the Vax Passport is imminent. |